About HackyClub

Cyber Security is an infinite game and we are a team of passionate cyber defenders always trying to stay ahead by building and operating a threat-informed defensive platform

This site is for educational/informational purpose only

Cyber Security Professional Awards 2023 Gold Award presented by The Hong Kong Police Force, the Government Computer Emergency Response Team Hong Kong (GovCERT.HK) and the Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre (HKCERT)

#1 in Hong Kong Splunk Boss of the SOC 2022

#14 in APAC/ANZ Splunk Boss of the SOC 2022

#15 in Open Division of Hong Kong Cyber Security New Generation CTF Challenge 2022

#7 in Open Division of Hong Kong Cyber Security New Generation CTF Challenge 2021

2021 Championship in the CADET Incident Response Tournament organized by the Hong Kong Police Force

Team Mentor

  • Ran2

Team Members

Last updated