What is the difference between the Threat-Informed Penetration Test and Red Team Exerisce

Threat-Informed Penetration testing (TIP) focuses on technical vulnerabilities, red teaming takes a broader, more holistic approach, evaluating an organization’s overall security posture from an adversarial perspective

TIPRed Team


Assesses an organization’s security effectiveness by simulating real-world attacks. It aims to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses proactively.

Assesses an organization’s overall cybersecurity performance comprehensively. It evaluates the monitoring and defending capabilities of the entire blue team (security defenders).


Emulate specific threat actors’ tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) against the organization’s systems. TIP removes defender bias, providing an adversarial perspective.

Simulate real-world attacker-defender engagements. The red team uses advanced attack simulation methodology to mimic sophisticated adversaries.


Typically targets specific systems, applications, or network segments. It provides actionable insights into the overall IT security posture.

A wider scope, targeting any aspect of the company. It assesses people, processes, and technologies.


Reveals how far an attacker could penetrate the network before triggering defenses. Highlights holes in existing defenses, allowing improvements.

Provides a holistic view of controls, solutions, and personnel effectiveness. It helps organizations understand their readiness against dedicated adversaries.

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